
New York stands as a place where seasons vividly unfold, Each one distinct, a story waiting to be told. In spring, Central Park bursts with floral delight, As cherry blossoms bloom, a breathtaking sight. Summer sees the city streets alive with energy, Underneath the sun's warm and vibrant symphony. Autumn paints the skyline with hues of gold and red, As crisp leaves fall, softly carpeting paths we tread. Then comes winter, with its icy grip and snow, Transforming the city into a magical show. Yes, New York, a canvas where seasons play, Each one adding to its charm in its own unique way.

Roosevelt Island

Roosevelt Island's corners with blossoms are rich. They veil Manhattan's skyscrapers in a scenic pledge, A sight so beautiful, it's hard not to be bewitched.

New York's distinct seasons paint a picturesque scene, Each one with its own beauty, captivating and serene.

In spring, cherry blossoms bloom, filling parks with delight, While summer brings outdoor fun, from dawn until night.

Autumn's golden hues adorn streets and parks with grace, And winter blankets the city, turning it into a snowy embrace.

Through every season's change, New York's beauty shines bright, A timeless charm that captivates, morning, noon, and night.

In winter in New York,

People wearing Santa hats and enjoying Christmas in Bryant Park.

Autumn in Washing Square Park

On snowy days, it seems like everyone, adults included, transforms into children once again. One of the beautiful sights of nature, and a day only seen in winter, is when it snows, and many people in New York come outside. When you see everyone excited and joyful, it's contagious, and it makes me smile too.

Cherry blossoms in full bloom adorn the Brooklyn Bridge,

In the summer

In the summer, New York boasts abundant outdoor dining spots, Where people sip coffee, or enjoy a glass of wine, connecting the dots. They watch passersby, savoring moments with friends or alone, One such gem is Jack’s Wife Freda in SoHo, where memories are grown.

Though frequented by many, those seated at the outdoor diners' row, Treasure their time, soaking in the city's vibrant glow.


Iconic in New York